Em 1990 no Myanmar (antiga Birmânia)
Aung San Suu Kyi vencia esmagadoramente as primeiras eleições livres do seu país. Logo após a vitória foi remetida para prisão domiciliária pela junta militar. Em 1991 era agraciada com o Prémio Nobel da Paz. Dos últimos 19 anos, 13 foram passados em prisão domiciliária. Sábado ocorreu a sua libertação.
Para alguns, Aung San Suu Kyi, continua a ser um nome desconhecido. Para os fãs dos U2, não! Isto porque desde 2000 que Bono e a banda apelam nas suas tournées para a sua libertação, espalhando a sua história pelos quatro cantos do mundo. É por isso que hoje, quando ouvi a notícia, esbocei um sorriso. Um sorriso que acredito esteja no rosto de muita gente por esse mundo fora. Hoje, "Walk On" ganha um novo significado.

Para alguns, Aung San Suu Kyi, continua a ser um nome desconhecido. Para os fãs dos U2, não! Isto porque desde 2000 que Bono e a banda apelam nas suas tournées para a sua libertação, espalhando a sua história pelos quatro cantos do mundo. É por isso que hoje, quando ouvi a notícia, esbocei um sorriso. Um sorriso que acredito esteja no rosto de muita gente por esse mundo fora. Hoje, "Walk On" ganha um novo significado.
"And love is not the easy thing
Is the only baggage that you can bring
Love is not the easy thing
The only baggage you can bring
Is all that you can't leave behind"
And if the darkness is to keep us apart
And if the daylight feels like it's a long way off
And if your glass heart should crack
And for a second you turn back
Oh no, be strong
Walk on! Walk on!
What you got, they can't steal it
No, they can't even feel it
Walk on! Walk on!
Stay safe tonight
You're packing a suitcase for a place
None of us has been
A place that has to be believed to be seen
You could have flown away
A singing bird in an open cage
Who will only fly, only fly for freedom
Walk on! Walk on!
What you got, they can't deny it
Can't sell it, or buy it
Walk on! Walk on!
You stay safe tonight
And I know it aches
How your heart it breaks
You can only take so much
Walk on! Walk on!
Hard to know what it is
If you never had one
I can't say where it is
But I know I'm going
That's where the hurt is
And I know it aches
And your heart, it breaks
And you can only take so much
Walk on!
You've got to leave it behind:
All that you fashion
All that you make
All that you build
All that you break
All that you measure
All that you feel
All this you can leave behind
All that you reason, it's only time
And I'll never fill up all I find
All that you sense
All that you scheme
All you dress-up
All that you've seen
All you create
All that you wreck
All that you hate
Is the only baggage that you can bring
Love is not the easy thing
The only baggage you can bring
Is all that you can't leave behind"
And if the darkness is to keep us apart
And if the daylight feels like it's a long way off
And if your glass heart should crack
And for a second you turn back
Oh no, be strong
Walk on! Walk on!
What you got, they can't steal it
No, they can't even feel it
Walk on! Walk on!
Stay safe tonight
You're packing a suitcase for a place
None of us has been
A place that has to be believed to be seen
You could have flown away
A singing bird in an open cage
Who will only fly, only fly for freedom
Walk on! Walk on!
What you got, they can't deny it
Can't sell it, or buy it
Walk on! Walk on!
You stay safe tonight
And I know it aches
How your heart it breaks
You can only take so much
Walk on! Walk on!
Hard to know what it is
If you never had one
I can't say where it is
But I know I'm going
That's where the hurt is
And I know it aches
And your heart, it breaks
And you can only take so much
Walk on!
You've got to leave it behind:
All that you fashion
All that you make
All that you build
All that you break
All that you measure
All that you feel
All this you can leave behind
All that you reason, it's only time
And I'll never fill up all I find
All that you sense
All that you scheme
All you dress-up
All that you've seen
All you create
All that you wreck
All that you hate
2 comentários:
Uma boa notícia! Quanto aos U2, bem sei que é um lugar comum, mas a música que dedicaram a esta grande mulher é simplesmente divinal.
é também nestas "pequenas" grandes coisas que se vê a grandeza das pessoas. Aquilo que muitos vêem como publicidade ou aproveitamento, eu vejo como aproveitar a fama que temos para dar a conhecer atrocidades que se cometem por esse mundo fora contra os direitos humanos. Enfim, são perspectivas diferentes.
Quanto à música, de facto Joaquim, é mais um dos pequenos tesouros que esta grandiosa banda nos vai deixar como legado.
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